Tag Archives: basilisk

BREAKING: Culprit Behind the Forrer Flood Discovered

Last Saturday, residents of Forrer Hall were surprised by a sudden surge of floodwaters. Spilling out of a bathroom stall, a high pressure stream of water spat gallon after gallon of water onto the floor. It didn’t take long for the water to become ankle deep, working its way down from the third floor, all the way to the computer lab in the basement. Damages were widespread; student property, campus computers, furniture, and infrastructure were all affected by the unwanted water.

To deal with the damages, a team was created out of a combination of DPS officers, RA’s, and an emergency disaster protection group. Members of each group worked around the clock to make sure that the students were safe and the water was stopped. By the time the water was stopped, the leading theory was that corroded pipes had caused the damage.

However, we here at the Shambler have discovered a much more sinister truth:
The flood was caused by none other than the 3rd Davis Basilisk, which until recently was thought to have vacated campus after being discovered living on the Pike Hall last year.

One eyewitness, who requested anonymity, recounted the situation; “There I was, brushing my teeth, trying to forget about the horrors of finals week, when I suddenly heard a strange whispering sound. I went around the corner to investigate, when it erupted from the bathroom stall in a huge explosion of water. I mean, it was pretty clearly a Basilisk, and thankfully I was just trying to get the Snapchat, so I didn’t actually make eye contact.”

The story seems to line up with widespread reports of Basilisk-related injuries that had been circulating throughout Forrer all year. Some students had been found completely petrified in various locations, such as the bathrooms, the hallways, and in some cases, their own rooms.

“In retrospect, it seems pretty obvious that it was the Basilisk causing problems again,” said senior Clark Murray, “Though we did blame the petrification on the normal things, like Caf food, the flu, or that blackish mold that likes to grow in the Forrer rooms.. You know the stuff.”

Since eyewitnesses have begun to spring up, DPS has once again coordinated a search effort with the Quidditch team. The Shambler will be back with updates as the story develops.

– Reuben Cave

The Shambler Tracks Down the Culprit of the Forrer Flooding


Last year, the Shambler reported on the case of a dangerous creature living within the walls of the former fraternity dorm, Davis Hall. It was in the early hours of the morning, on 3rd Davis, that a student in the restroom was almost petrified when a colossal snake beast, identified as a Basilisk by the biology department, burst forth from the plumbing system.

After escaping out into what was once Back Circle, the nationally ranked Transylvania Quidditch Team was dispatched to track it down, with golf cart assistance from the Department of Public Safety. After this point, there was no further activity in the Basilisk case. Until now.

Recently, DPS has been investigating a case of flooding on the second front hall of the Forrer dorm building. In an official statement, the Department of Public Safety told the Shambler that they had discovered paper towels clogging several of the sinks on the hall, causing a flood of several inches of water that damaged a few of the rooms.

While DPS is currently searching for a student culprit, the Shambler has been informed about what really happened. According to senior Clark Murray, who patrols Transylvania’s campus in a Batman costume, searching for crime, the Basilisk was spotted briefly, stuffing paper towels into the sinks. When Murray approached the creature, it escaped into the plumbing of Forrer once again.

Why exactly the Basilisk would sabotage the sinks rather than eating, petrifying, or doin anything that monsters would usually do is unclear. However, such guerilla tactics are clearly meant as revenge on the school that tore down its former lair of evil known as Davis Hall.

The Quidditch team has once again been dispatched, and they advise students to steer clear of all sinks. They also warn that the creature may be a horcrux for the dark wizard known as Jefferson Davis himself.

The Shambler will report more as details arise.

–Reuben Cave