YAF to Save Free Speech on Campus by Reviving the Rambler

The Eagle has swooped in to save the Rambler: In a YouTube video posted today, the Transylvania Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) pledged to support the Rambler financially. This monetary support will end the Rambler holdout with university officials. YAF was first drawn to the Rambler for its old school print format, but fell in love with content like the DPS ride along series. “We just didn’t want the Rambler to end up as a civil liberty tombstone. The loss would have hurt as much as when they banned Big Swig Soda in New York.”

A senior Rambler editor went on record thanking YAF for the funds necessary to keep the Rambler online. “This is our first time hearing about Young Americans for Freedom and we’re kind of confused about what YAF even is, but we’re excited about our new partnership and the ability to speak openly in Alumni Plaza.” The Rambler is looking forward to the boost in funding provided by the deep pockets of YAF. “We’re proud to announce Free Market Fridays – a new series of podcasts detailing different aspects of Transy’s budget.”

The Shambler, who prides itself on having little government interaction, has not faced a similar budget crisis due to its reliance on private business ventures. These have ranged from selling tickets to Raf’s tomb, selling cups and silverware in the caf, and bribing admissions ambassadors to “show the real side of Transy” to tours. The Shambler will be funded for the 2019-2020 academic year.

YAF now controls both major campus news outlets.

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